
a solid way to make your presence felt

free & open-source way to a one-click blog/website on GitHub with Jekyll and MaterializeCSS
based on google™'s material design specifications


View on github
< about-material />


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam vel purus sagittis, eleifend ante quis, tempus lectus. Vivamus maximus nibh lectus, sed gravida sapien imperdiet in.

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Aliquam vel purus sagittis, eleifend ante quis, tempus lectus. Vivamus maximus nibh lectus, sed gravida sapien imperdiet in. Curabitur non purus rutrum, iaculis mauris ac, placerat turpis. Donec vel semper enim, ut ultrices sem.

Fusce rutrum, justo id porta malesuada, purus erat gravida metus, sit amet viverra turpis lacus nec mi. Aliquam et mi vel ipsum mollis aliquam eu eget augue.


  • completely-free

    Material is completely free for whatever use you may ever want to use it for under the terms of the MIT Licence.
  • fully-open-source

    Material's source code is fully open source and is hosted at GitHub ( It is released under the terms of the MIT Licence.
  • material-design

    Material is based on google's material design specifications. duh! All you need to know is that it look solid and feels solid.
  • ease-of-access

    Your blog or website will be hosted on a GitHub repository and therefore, you will be able to just 'commit' new blog posts. Plus you get all the benefits of GitHub if you are making a collaborated blog.
  • hosted-on-github

    Your website/blog can be hosted for free on GitHub, which means you get to take advantage of GitHub's servers which have proven themselves to provide almost 100% uptime.
  • feel-like-hax0r

    Commiting new blogposts written in markdown is sure to give you the feels. Having your blog hosted alongside code will make you feel like a mini-hax0r even if you are not one.
  • write-in-markdown

    WSIWYG editors are for losers. Markdown ftw!!
  • mit-licence

    Material is released under the terms of the MIT Licence which give you a lot of freedom regarding editing the code involved.


There are 7 simple steps to get your website up and running using material. Keep scrolling to see em'. The steps mentioned here have been explained in order to cater to n00bs. If you think you are pro, then scroll faster. xP
Step - 1 - Get an account on GitHub.
Get an account on GitHub, and verify your email. Remember that the username you choose will be the domain name of your website (unless you want to pay for a .com or something). Click on the button below to see detailed instructions regarding how you can accomplish this without getting your dick caught on a ceiling fan (or an oven, for that matter).
Step - 2 - Fork this repository.
Now that you have an account on GitHub, you can safely go hereand fork that repo. Just click on the tiny icon in top-right that says 'Fork'. In case you have trouble finding said button, or if you want to know what forking or repository means and all that git-technical stuff, click on the button below.
Step - 3 - Rename forked repository.
Go to the newly-forked repository's settings and edit its name to "(username)" (without the quotes). Like for example or   It should be your github username though. If you don't know what your github username is, or how to rename said repository, or if you forgot what you were doing on this website, click the button below.
Step - 4 - Change to master branch
Go to the newly-forked repository's settings and change the default branch to master from the drop-down menu. All your changes from now on must be done in the master branch. You may optionally delete the gh-pages branch to avoid accidentally pushing your changes to that branch, in which case you won't see the changes. Click button below for detailed instructions on how to acheive this.
Step - 5 - Visit your website.
Open the "_config.yml" file on GitHub and click edit. Set the baseurl to "". Go to http://(username) If you see a website similar to this then you have successfully set up a material website. If not, then check your email to see if GitHub has sent you any page-build warnings or click on the troubleshooting button below. The button also helps if you don't know how to get to a website.
Step - 6 - Configuration.
Open the "_config.yml" file again. Click edit, and change the title property to the name you want displayed as title on your website and save. Changes should be visible on the site in a few minutes. Mess around with other values in the file. If you break something, revert. Click button below to see the rest of the stuff you can edit on this file including changing color themes.
Step - 7 - Adding posts to blog.
The final step is a rather long one which aims to introduce you to markdown. Basically you just write your post on a new file created in your repo's "_posts" directory in a specific format, and it appears automatically on your website. Click the button below to learn more, including how to add images and links to your posts.
Ran into issues?
No sweat. Just go here and let me know via that form, what issues you are experiencing regarding the set-up procedure. You can also report issues regarding bugs and feature requests.
Scroll through al the cards in this list all over again and read every single line to check if you've been correctly following. If your changes are not showing or if you see a page with just text, then you probably messed up steps 4 and 5. In case tou get a 404 error, then recheck steps 3-5. Click button below for more troubleshooting help.
material by naveenshaji
Thanks to MaterializeCSS, Skrollr, Scrolline.js, Jekyll and GitHub.
They form an integral part of this project.
And material would not have been possible without them awesome open-source frameworks.
© 2015 naveenshaji - Released under the MIT Licence.